Like many others, when I created my avatar in SL she was everything I wished I could be when I was shopping for a new party dress or dreading the upcoming bikini season. She was petite, where in real life, I am tall. She is curvy in just the right ways, not in all the "wrong" ones. Blonde hair, where mine is brown. Light eyes, where mine are also brown. She has a confidence in her body that I have never been able to attain.
I like to talk about how I am more me in SL than I am in real life - and I think that's true. The Hanners on the screen is the me I would be if only I hadn't been born into a family of over-eating Italians, if I had the will to exercise, if I stuck to that healthy food just a little more and gave in to those brownies just a little less. The list of excuses is long and well run. =P
In SL, everyone is exactly who they want to be, and there's incredible freedom in that. You see plus sized avatars around the grid on occasion, and they usually fall into one of two categories: 1) LAWLFAT for the laughs or the shock value (super exaggerated, outrageously clothed) or 2) Realisticly done, beautiful in their own way, not afraid of what others might think.
I read sometimes, about how shopping for clothing is harder, much like in real life. I decided to make a plus-size shape for myself in SL that is in-line with my real life shape. She is 5'6" (2 inches taller than my SL av, 2 inches shorter than IRL me). She's got a lot of junk in her trunk. I think the most noticeable difference is in the face - at least to me. Her face is round, almost cherubic. It's pretty cute, actually. I put on a 2 of my favorite clothing pieces: jeans from Zaara and a sweater from Artilleri. No size adjustments were made and they strangely fit just fine on both avatars. Go figure! I bought a "Curvy Girl" AO from Reel Expression since my self compiled Maitreya/ImpEle poses one wasn't working out too well.
When I am out and about I get compliments on my appearence in my usual shape, so I am going to wear this one around for a bit and see what reaction I get (if any). Yay, science?

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